Wade Pinhorn

Juno, ECMA, and MusicNL Award winning keyboardist/bassist, Wade Pinhorn has a professional music career spanning more than 40 years. Hailing from St. John’s, Canada’s eastern-most point, he played his way across the country and across the Atlantic, performing with some of the country’s best. He is a classically-trained pianist, and best known for his sizzling blues piano playing and solid bass grooves, having recording on more than 30 CDs during his career.

A musical director, film composer, and producer, Wade is also an award-winning music educator with solid ties to post-secondary popular music education. He is currently the instructor of the Music: Business, Performance & Technology program at the College of the North Atlantic.

Past VP of MusicNL and Chair of the ECMA’s Board of directors for three years, Wade has served on FACTOR’s National Advisory Board, sat as a juror for The Canadian Folk Music Awards and the NL Arts Council on numerous occasions, and he currently sits on College of the North Atlantic’s Board of Governors.

An avid gamer since his early years, Wade is keenly interested in the role of music as it relates to and enhances the interactive experience.