Our July meetup went off (with only a couple of glitches) last night. We were happy to welcome Andrew Menchions as well as Laura Churchill and Dorian Rowe from NLFDC, who gave us a high-level introduction to tax credits game developers can avail of. Jordan Galbraith of Orange Slip Studios shared some of his experiences trying to raise money for a new company. Jeff Mercer from the Department of Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation helped fill in some of the blanks, and indicated that our members are always welcome to come talk about their work to see if there are programs that might help them get a leg up.
The live stream cut off in the middle of the discussion, unfortunately, but we were able to recover at least a couple of remote attendees using our appear.in room. The volume there was apparently not ideal, so we’ll continue to work on that setup for future events. At the very least we’ll add a spare laptop charger to the GDNL equipment box!
Thanks to all our invited guests as well as our attendees, both in-person and remote. Hope to see you all again in August!