July Meetup: Open Forum on Funding

Our next meetup will take place at 7:30PM on July 11th at Common Ground, 30 Harvey Road.

We’re going to try something a little different for this meetup. We’re inviting all attendees to come and share their thoughts and experiences with finding and attracting funding for their projects. Funding is the most-asked-for topic at our meetings right now, and in lieu of having a dedicated talk on the topic, we’ll see if we can get some synergy going.

We are inviting some special guests who may have insight into this issue, and if any attendees would like to invite their own special guests, that would be very much appreciated!

Thanks to Ryan Hale for the suggestion of an open discussion.


If you’d like to book a 2-minute Appetizer slot to talk about a topic of interest before the main meetup, please fill out the form below:
