June Meetup success!

We had another successful meetup this week!

Thanks again this month to Orange Slip Studios for sponsoring the meetup. We put that money to good use and made a couple of nice upgrades to our setup.

The first upgrade was an improved stream, including a “speaker cam”. Our speaker didn’t need the double camera, so we just used the new fancy camera for the whole stream, but we’re ready for anything now!

The other big upgrade was the addition of meet and mingle devices. We added four appear.in rooms, each on a separate device (my old electronic devices, with mounts provided through the generosity of OSS), arranged around the space to allow remote attendees to join in the social fun.

For future meetups, we’ll probably cut that back to just two:



I hope folks from around the province will take advantage of these as time goes on. We always have an interesting mix of folks, including our various Developer members, hobbyists, and all things in between.