About GDNL

Who are we?

GDNL is a nonprofit, community group uniting all the creative, business, and technical disciplines involved in the process of creating interactive digital media (IDM) and game development. We are industry professionals, teachers, students, and hobbyists that specialize in these areas of design and development including game development, ed-tech, simulation technology, and any aspect of interactive digital media. These areas of interactive entertainment, education, and technologies, stem from the processes and practices of game development, hence our name, Game Developers of Newfoundland and Labrador (GDNL).

While some of our members may be actively working in this industry, others may be pursuing personal projects and/or looking for project collaborators, employment opportunities, or contribute to and support our peers and the industry of interactive media development in Newfoundland and Labrador as a whole.

What do we do?

Our main focus is to unite these talents and interests to facilitate the growth of the IDM industry in NL. We help showcase great talent and collaborative opportunities that may evolve into establishing companies, studios or NL-based digital products. We bring people together;  from artists to programmers, musicians to designers, level designers to writers. We are driven by the community’s active participation and involvement.

GDNL helps organize casual, social meetups as well as professional events that may feature guest speakers or workshops. We work with many of the other fantastic creative and technology organizations of NL, and support each other’s efforts with a united goal to shape the expansion of this great industry in our province.

We create opportunities!

Learn about who’s on the GDNL Team.